Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Homework is a very touchy subject to talk about because everyone feels very different regarding homework and the amount that is given.  I have been through having way to much homework and way to little homework.  I personally feel that students should be given homework because it trains you to learn and understand everything that was going on in class that day.  But my question is, is there a limit? 
When I was in grammar school I used to come home with loads and loads of homework to do and honestly I do not know if I can say that I got anything out of it.  One of the homework assignments that I honestly never understood, and I am pretty sure that everyone went through it as a kid, was having to write vocabulary over and over and over and OVER AND OVER again in our notebooks.I mean honestly, I thought that those kinds of homework assignments were just ridiculous, considering the fact that there were around 50 words and writing them out would take me all night to do.  Now if the teacher simply would have said write it out once and then memorize them for a test then it would have made me less frustrated and saved me a lot of time. When I was in grammar school, I was absolutely one of those students that had to have one of those roll around book bags because the books that I had to take home were way to heavy to carry on my back (No laughing guys because some of you understand what I am talking about as well =/)  
When I was in High school I noticed that things started to change, my homework load definitely decreased.  I was coming home with little or no books at all.  Which I have come to find out, did not help me in a positive way.  By the time I got to college I was very overwhelmed with all the work that I had to do.  I did not feel prepared for anything and I blame my high school for that.  Im not saying that my high school was a bad school, Im saying that they could have challenged us in a way where I could have felt more prepared for college.  Of course it took me a while to get used to the challenge of college and the enormous amount of homework that I have, but I have trained myself to do what high school should have prepared me to do.
So by using my own personal experiences I have shown you some positive ways that homework was good and negative ways that homework is bad.  I believe that we should have homework and challenges, BUT i think that teachers need to be wise on WHAT they are giving us for homework, because if teachers assign us useless homework we as the students are not going to be motivated to do it and it will not have a positive affect on us for the future.

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