Sunday, November 30, 2008

Report Cards

Sorry I haven't been able to really write in this blog, its because as we all know this weekend was black friday and I work for retail so I was forced to work a 13 hour shifts all weekend.  So Im going to continue with Report Cards =).
Report cards was something that I was always VERY nervous whenever my parents would leave to go and pick it up.  I never knew the grades that they would come back with, and I was always scared of there return.  I can proudly say that ALL of my grades till today have been very good and I can't complain.  But wow, what a nervous feeling that I would get.  In my personal opinion, I don't feel that report cards should be given out until the end of the year and I feel that progress reports should be used more often.  Why I feel this way is because I think that report cards are a little too final.  Instead of giving report cards 4 times a year, they should give them 2 times a year.  
I feel that progress reports do the same exact thing that report cards do.  It warns the students that they either need to improve in there classes or if they are doing just fine and have little to worry about.  In the progress report it will say if the teacher needs the parent to come in for a meeting about there child's work in school. I think that this would be a more effective way for the students to progress in school.


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